HABC 2023 - 2024 Datasheet

21 Aug 2023 by Mark Haverkorn

Helotes 4-H Datasheets are the way the Helotes Ag Booster Club (HABC) tracks your 4-H participation each year. Our Datasheets are unique to HABC and not affiliated with the 4-H programs.

As a high school senior in the Helotes 4-H, you may apply for a HABC scholarship. The HABC scholarship committee uses all of your Datasheets, from 3rd grade through 12th grade, to determine if you will receive a scholarship and the amount of the scholarship. Therefore, it is VERY, VERY important that all Helotes 4-H members complete the Datasheet, even if you are in 3rd grade and it is your first year.

You must complete the entire Datasheet and hit the submit button at the end. You will receive an email once submitted. The email will have a link that will allow you to go back in and edit your form. Please start filling out the form and add to it as you complete activities. This form will be updated and new activities will be added as the year progresses so be sure to check back throughout the year.

Parents and children should fill out the form together to make sure it is accurate.

This year’s Datasheet covers activities from June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024. All Datasheets must be submitted by the 3rd Monday in June each year. This year’s due date is June 17, 2024.

Thank You

Helotes Ag Booster Scholarship Committee
